Thursday 15 June 2017

Peppermint Friday Review #40: Amelie

This is a weird one as its a film thats pretty much on every list of 'Films You Should See Before You Die' most of the time I don't listen to these lists as they are written by white old men, and the same with Books aswell. Not to say that Classic older films are bad not at all, because we all know how I feel about old films! but if you haven't watch a film thats on that list its like 'you can't truly call yourself a film buff!' and I don't agree with that, but we're gonna talk about this film and is it worth it being on those list? 
This is a weird film directed and story by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, as the storyline for me anyway didn't make much sense, from what I got its about a girl called Amelie (played by Audrey Tautou) and her life story I guess from when she was a girl who was very lonely and still is in her adult years, developed a very active imagination.  Its the first live action French film I've ever watched, its also I think anyway one of the first French films to make it into the Mainstream Film Industry I guess, so thats really good and I can see why. The film is entirely in French and I don't speak French or understand it but I enjoyed the film very much its not my favourite film or the best film I've seen but its a good film.
Its funny because the way people talk about this film is as if there is no other film quite like it at the time of its release which was in 2001 but not anymore I don't think because there are films and tv shows I've seen that are in the same vein as this. For example Submarine that film is very similar to this not in the story line but the genre its about quirky people, its about love and the stylising and colours of different scenes are very similar, but baring in mind that Submarine came out in 2010 and this in 2001. But I love the colours and the style of this film, the costumes are wonderful too as they really represent each character and how they feel. 
One thing I do love about Amelie is the fact that she is a Waitress and I used to be a Waitress, so I feel abit of connection with her she is also very isolated kinda like me, but she uses her loneliness to help other people in her life. The film also has alot of sentinmental quotes as I've seen this film being quoted quite a lot, mainly by teenagers who think their so #weird. I love the quotes and the sentimentality of the film as it shows us we should help people if we can't help ourselves. Another thing with the antagonist and it made me laugh was her opinion I guess well she starts her job single, but not a virgin and her take on sex I think is funny. 
This film is very peculiar because its set in France and its the stereotypical venison of what we imagine of what France, it shines all the good bits. The peculiar thing is with the setting of the film we know its set from the 1970s when Amelie was born to late 90s-early 2000s. The costumes of what the characters are wearing is very in keeping with the times, but Amelie is very unique and shows to be the odd one out because she is wearing clothes that either don't fit in or that are abit quirky and different. I like the style and costumes of what she and the rest of the characters are wearing, all the colours its wonderful, but like with the Cafe Society Review if I only like the colours and scenery is it a film that's really worth watching? 
I liked this film, mainly down to Amelie but would I watch it again if it was on Film4 then yeah. If you wanna watch a different film or you wanna get into French films or films that have no English in then give it ago 100%. I can definitely see all the inspirations that directors have taken from this film and what inspirations gave to this film. If I'm honest I'm abit lukewarm to this film as I liked it but I don't really see the hype in it, because there are films that are just as good and are in the same vein, but I can understand why people like it so much. Thank you for reading let me know what you think of this film and I'll see you all very soon have a great Peppermint Friday and I shall see you all next week! 

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