Sunday 2 April 2017

I Love Disney #2

I needed to do another post of my favourite Disney films and its been ages since I did one, and its about time I did one. So let's begin!

Princess And The Frog

This is a weird one as its not one people usually say is their favourite and went it came out, noone was going crazy over it, like they were for Frozen. But I love this film I love Tiana she is so independent and strong, and the fact that she's a waitress and I used to be a waitress makes me like her even more. The song 'Almost There' is just the best, the time period its set in, the whole 1920s New Orleans style is just beautiful. I even like Charlotte and I know she's got an annoying personality, but she's funny and totally harmless. 

Fox And The Hound
Any animal film for me is a win, especially this one as the story is just the best and the fact that the story is taken from a Romeo & Juliet sense but its not romantic, its just two best friends who shouldn't be friends is just the best. It proves that Disney can do alot of things other than just romance, but its fantastic. The voice cast is the best, and music, animation just everything.  
Hunchback Of Notre Dame
I was debating to myself whether to write a full post on this or not, but I need to talk about this film as its so beautiful. The music is stunning, 'Out There' 'God Help The Outcasts' its just so beautiful and fits so well with the film and characters. Frollo the film's Antagonist is actually understandable as he is worried because Quasimodo does look abit different, Frollo doesn't want anyone to be horrible to him and protect him. As this film shows sometimes its good to set out of your comfort zone as you never know who'll accept you.
I love this film so much, but I'm not gonna do a full post review on it as I like it, but I'm not obsessed. 'Let It Go' is one of the best songs Disney has ever done, not even just Disney just one of the best songs ever written as its so powerful and strong. I'd like to reinforce something which has annoyed me slightly since this film came out, its that people say that this is the first Disney film that shows you don't need a man, Mulan, Pocahontas, Merida need I go on? This film really is amazing, its not the best ever made but it is good and you'll enjoy it.
Don't you mean Hunkcules? Love this film so much, the music everything about this is just so good. Hades is the best he is so funny, and witty and I think its one of the reasons as to why I love it so much, the bad guy has a sense of humour. 'Go The Distance' and the whole Gospel Choir is so good they make the film so brilliant. Along with Danny Devito as Phil is perfect casting and just so witty. I don't know one person who doesn't like this film or the music and the characters.
Anyway I will speak to you all later and have a great day wherever you are! The next review will be slightly different cus I like to mix it up abit.

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Maira Gall