Thursday 20 April 2017

Peppermint Friday Review #32: Imperium

This week's been weird I haven't watched that many films, but I have watched alot of TV as I've really gotten into that recently. But I watched this film last night and I just need to talk about it, Its one of those films. Its called Imperium and its got Daniel Radcliffe and Toni Collette and its about an FBI agent who goes undercover in a white supremacist group. 
The reason I watched this film was not because I love Daniel Radcliffe and I think he's a great actor, but the story is intriguing to me. Now before people go crazy at me and say 'Oh you're a racist how could you be interested in that?' I'm not interested where I wanna join cus I don't believe at all, but I'm interested in the sense of 'why do they believe that?' 'what makes them think that way?' kinda interested. I loved this film I don't think I've seen a film quite like it before, and that's great because I love individuality in a script and a concept of a story.
Daniel Radcliffe's character Nate Foster is a very nice, friendly, threatening and basically Switzerland and he had to evolve into a completely different person to who he was before. His head is shaved he's got a tattoo and shouting racist remarks and just is total opposite to what he was at the start of the film. But he still remains very friendly, and easy to get on with kinda person, Nate has to find someway to relate to these people, and understand why they do what they do. His ultimate main goal is to get to Dallas Wolf who is this radio talk show host, as he is a prime suspect to an attack somewhere. 
The community the group developed seemed very nice and friendly, like Nate and the people he was with went to BBQs. There were kids there and families and very friendly and opening place. Although this is fiction, so some truths are stretched slightly, but I found that interesting and really fascinating to watch as I didn't think it would be like that, I thought it would be very much like an American version of This is England, and it is but its not entirely there are some very nice and sweet characters like Gerry who is a happily married man with kids and at the end you feel guilty because you relate to Gerry and he seems like such a genuine guy and it does bode the question should you be friends with someone who believes in something quite controversial?
It did disappoint me slightly as I was expecting it to be really good and eyeopening, and I was interested and really liked it and I'm not sure what I was expecting but I just thought it would be really controversial and off the cuff story I've never seen before. Also I kinda wanted to see it from the White Supremacy perspective, because noone's agreeing with them, well I'm not I just wanna know why and get an intelligent response not just 'oh because'. But I really liked it, I guess my expectations were high, but I did enjoy it and everyone was really good. I especially liked Johnny he is a teenager who believes everything the White Supremacy believes in and in the end he is a changed man his attitude has changed and no longer believes in it. So I like that it has those characters that see change as a fresh start and leaving your former beliefs isn't a bad thing at all just a start to a new life. 
I love films like this, and what I mean by that is I like watching things that I can't relate to at all, I watch them because I'm fascinated and wanna see if I can relate to them in some way, because its such an opposite thing its brilliant and I find it intriguing. I love where its set aswell, its filmed in Richmond, Virgina and it just looks very nice and chill. You usually see films that are filmed in America that are set in New York and Los Angles, so its refreshing to be set in Virgina. Overall its a very good film, I'm so glad I watched it because there are characters who are brilliant, like Johnny, Gerry and Nate who are all brilliantly written, This post might seem controversial, as this film is controversial but I wanted to talk about it because its unique. So if you're like me and fascinated by this then watch it, if not that's fine too. 

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Maira Gall