Thursday 23 February 2017

Peppermint Friday Review #24: Pulp Fiction

I think to end this week with one of my favorite films, is a good way to end it plus its just so Peppermint Friday. I love Quentin Tarantino and I know he's either you love him or hate him, and the content he creates may not be for people under a certain age, but silly 14 year old me who didn't listen to my teacher, as we were talking about films, and he mentioned this film and told me not to watch it as its pretty dark, but I didn't listen and boy I'm glad I didn't, and here's why.
Pulp Fiction is told in a narrative structure, at the beginning its a prologue which is in a diner with a couple having a pretty boring conversation. It combines with two hitmen Jules Winnfield and Vincent Vega who are both played by Samuel L Jackson and John Travolta, and Vincent is asked to take care of Mia Wallace, Marsellus wife. Theres a Boxer called Butch played by Bruce Willis accepts money from Marsellus who just so happens to be Jules and Vincent's boss.
The story is so hard to explain, its one of those films you have to watch as its hard to explain, and the storyline is so intricate because Quentin's storytelling is so brilliant, to have someone telling you the plot is so crap to how it is when you actually watch it, its a million times better than someone explaining it to you. That's how I feel with Tarantino films anyway, its one of those things where you just have to watch it to understand it. Tarantino's storytelling is so unique and wonderful, I love how in this film he told it like you would in a novel where you have a prologue, and all the character intertwine with each other and it all makes sense. 
John Travolta and Samuel L Jackson are just brilliant I mean you can't beat them they are just fantastic. Before this film I knew who these actors were, I had a John Travolta in my mind as Danny from Grease but in this film he is quite an average guy, that sounds mean, but comparing him to Danny he is. Samuel L Jackson is so mental in this, I adore him so much. I actually don't know whether to be scared of him or to just laugh along with him. His character does prop up alot in Social Media as a meme so the character is quite a familiar face in the modern age. 
Uma Thurman is a fantastic actress, her costume, her hair, her makeup, her everything is just so perfect and down to a T as to how damaged she is and intriguing qualities to Mia. I mean everyone wants a Mia Wallace haircut at one point let's face it. What does inritate me slightly is that Uma is a fantastic actress, but I haven't seen her in that many stuff. I know she was in a few other Tarantino films, such as Kill Bill Volume 1 & 2, Batman and Robin, Les Miserable. I guess that could be me, it probably is just me the fact that I haven't seen her in many films. 
Bruce Willis is again brilliant, love all the scenes with him and his girlfriend Fabienne particularly those as they stand out to me, and relfect his character the most. Especially when Fabienne forgets to pack his watch, and he just loses it I don't know why but I like it. I remember watching a Simpsons episode and it referenced a scene in Pulp Fiction, and as a kid I watched it then and thought nothing of it, but now that I've seen this film that scene has a whole new meaning to it. One thing I'm so excited to see and just dive into is that Quentin Tarantino has stated that he is gonna retire after making 10 films and he has made about 8 or 9 I think, and people have asked what he's gonna do as he isn't gonna be filmmaking. He's said in interviews that he's gonna write books and make the films he's made into plays, so a Pulp Fiction play, that's something I need to watch and be in. 

 The couple at the beginning of the film are just fantastic, at the beginning you don't think too much about them, like 'yeah okay cool' but as you get to know then, particularly in the last scene in which they appear, thats when shit breaks the fan. Its funny with all the characters in this film you'd think there must be one I hate, and yeah the couple I do like but they do annoy me ever so slightly, not sure why they do, they just do. Its wonderful that the film so brilliant ties everyone together and makes it so exciting to watch.                                                                                                                                                     

This film will knock your socks off, and will no doubt be unique and wonderful to watch and unlike anything you have seen before. Its a Cult Classic you'll see people dressing as the characters whether it be for Halloween/Fancy Dress or for a screening of the film. People have played parodies to the film, homages. Its such a brilliant film, with a strong fan base and possibly my favorite Tarantino film. 

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