Tuesday 21 March 2017

Review: Inside Out

Been a bit absent recently not gonna explain why life just happens thats all. But I really wanna talk about this film, as its a Pixar and we all know and love Pixar yes we do, and its fascinating because its a Children's film with themes and messages that kids won't understand and I'm not talking about dirty jokes. 
Those of you who don't know, Inside Out is essentially about Mental Heath and how the human mind works. That already is very big and heavy for a kid to understand, but I think kids are more intelligent for what they're parents and teachers give them credit for. The plot is about a girl called Riley and is just an average kid with two parents who love each other, and she loves Ice Hockey, hates Broccoli. She is moved to a new town, at the start of the film in her mind she has her emotions: Joy (Amy Poehler), Anger( Lewis Black) Sadness (Phyllis Smith) Fear (Bill Hader) and Disgust (Mindy Kalling). all control Riley in certain situations like if she's playing Ice Hockey she's happy and Joy takes control.
They also take control and organise all the memory orbs, a memory orb is a prominent moment of your life well in this case Riley's so for example it could be her first Ice Hockey game, because Ice Hockey is one of her passions. Until one day Sadness touches on of the orbs and Riley associates it with being sad. It just teaches kids about mental illness and how the minds work, and I love that as its important for not just kids but everyone to learn about emotions and empathy for what people are feeling and respect those thoughts in which we are indifferent to and such. 
It also has the witty dialogue Pixar are known for that fits well with both age demographics with kids and adults. I love that Pixar incorporated both the serious side to growing up and the fun and happy side to it aswell. Its got the wonderful talent from Mindy Kalling who was in the Office, and Amy Poehler who both are so funny and witty already as they are comedians, to put them in an animated film and they just riff is brilliant, because they can add so much to the character and make it 10 times more lively. I also love the differences between Mom and Dad's emotions with Mom its very attentive to what Riley's actions are and how she speaks. Dad on the other hand is up with the fairies and as soon as Mom looks at him he just panics and agrees. 
I love this film so much and I'm so glad Pixar made it, not because its wonderfully done with the animations and all that, but with the story arch and what it shows to everyone as its important to understand empathy. Some of the other characters in the film are brilliant aswell, like Bing Bong Riley's old imaginary friend, he is the best and so funny, and adorable. I also love how important he is to Riley as it shows you should never forget about your childhood best friend regardless whether you still talk to them or not. 
You need to watch this film if you haven't seen it, because its funny with it being very mature as it tackles with emotions and the human mind. Because feelings are complicated and to put it in such a simple but also being witty about it, is very impressive. Its such a great film as Mental Health is getting better and much more support its wonderful to have a story like this to exist. 

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Maira Gall