Thursday 22 September 2016

Favourite Movie Musicals

Last week I wrote my Favourite Biopics, this week I'm gonna write about my Favourite Movie Musicals. I say Movie because if I wrote about my favourite musicals, we'd be here forever, and plus Movie Musicals are slightly different to musicals on stage, completely different standard.

Sunshine on Leith

This musical is wonderful, the story is amazing I love the characters, and songs in mixed with the story, its a Jukebox musical where they use songs from, The Proclaimers. One of my favorite scenes is where Liz starts telling a story then she turns it into a song ('Over and Done with!') I love the Scottish vibe of it, its just a wonderful musical. It also got screened at Toronto Film Festival. Another of my favourite songs is 'I'm Gonna be (500 Miles) They way they did it, is so unique and wonderful. 

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Everyone knows this musical, but I was obsessed with this film for ages, I adore Magenta, she and Dr Frank N Furter are amazing, although with saying that everyone is amazing and completely owns there parts. I love that its such a cult movie aswell, where you see it being screened and people will dress up as the characters, and its wonderful how its this underdog thing where only theatrical people will take a part of it, but I love all the songs in it, every song you feel like you know all the words. Not to mention Tim Curry is such a talented actor.


This is a weird one, some people hate it and some people love it. I love it because again its this modern underground kinda thing. Its set in the 90s, its in New York you have lesbians, transgender woman, HIV. Its funny cus it was such a new concept back then, but now we don't see as a big deal. They had all the original cast from Broadway in the Film, which is very good as its done exactly the same just on Film. The songs are amazing, and with Idina Menzal its such an amazing musical, I love 'Take Me Baby Or Leave Me' 'La Vie Bohem' They're such amazing songs.
Singin In The Rain

Another musical I used to be obsessed with (and still secretly am) I honestly don't know anyone who hates this film. The dialogue is incredibly unique, the songs are beautiful annnnd it makes me want to do tap dancing! I love everyone in this film, its so witty! I love pretty much all the scenes with Lina and Don. I love all the songs in this film, they're all so catchy.
Meet Me In St Louis

This film is just beautiful, simply because it make Judy Garland look so grown up. Its also such a homey classic, kinda like how I feel when watching any Classic Old Hollywood Movie, thats a light Comedy or Musical. Its directed by Vincent Minnelli who pretty much is the king of directing classic musicals, The color is beautiful for 40s and even now. I just feel so warm and cosy watching this, and personally this is my favorite Judy Garland Film, like I love Wizard of Oz, I just feel like her Acting in this film was just amazing, and better than Wizard Of Oz as in that film. She's a girl and in this one she's a woman, and its completely different, but I love it.
Moulin Rouge

I love this film, its so beautiful and amazing. Just completely original, Not too mention the chemistry between Ewan Mcgregor, and Nicole Kidman is just beautiful. They have such beautiful voices aswell, and I love the eccentricity of the whole film. Baz Lurhman is one of my favourite directors, cus he really does pour his heart into it. Its so Theatrical, and whenever theres a party scene in any of his films, whether it be, this film or Romeo+Juliet, Great Gatsby you feel as an audience member feel as if although you're invited to that party. The songs they used in it are amazing and fit it well with the story. 
Annnnnd there are my favourite Movie Musicals so far. It will change of course. 

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