Monday 19 September 2016

Review on Cafe Society

I went to see this Film at the Electric Cinema in Birmingham. First of all the cinema is beautiful, and the decor is so classic and stylish.

The film however...erhmm. It wasn't good, to get down to the point. I mean having Kristen Stewart and Jesse Heinsburg as romantic leads is already a bad idea because they are already both very weak, and on the same level, and I hate them both as a couple on screen. With couples on screen personally I find you either have to hate one or love them both.

I didn't find it funny either, I mean it is directed and narrated by Woody Allen, so its very Jewish, which I'd like to point out quickly I don't have a problem with it in anyway. I just didn't find any of the jokes or lines funny, purely because I'm not Jewish, if I was I might find it funny.

The story was abit wanky aswell, as the character revolves around this guy who moves to L.A to be with his uncle who works on a production company, he then starts to like this girl who works closely with his uncle, and his uncle is having an affair with his wife, it turns out it the girl who's dating the main character. The narration is abit pointless as I felt there was no need to do the narration of the story, because we all knew what was going on, and we all had a feeling of what the characters were thinking. 

The only thing I liked was, the fact that it was set in the 1930s, which is something I love loads, because its the 1930s, I love period dramas. The other thing that I liked about it was the colours and landscape of the stills. Which annoyed me cus I like the stills, and the fact that it was set in the 1930s, and the stills was the only strong reasons I went to see it. But when you watch a film you don't watch it because of the beautiful stills, and photography. You watch a film because of the story and characters, if you wanna watch beautiful picturesque views, then I'd recommend you watch a documentary about New Zealand or another country that has beautiful scenic views. The colours were interesting where when they were in L.A it was all beige, and when they were in New York it was all blue. Which is nice, but its not nearly interesting for to enjoy the film.

I couldn't relate to any of the characters, or felt sorry for any of them. It really isn't worth the money to spend on this film, honestly I'd say just watch it when it comes on TV or something. 

The only word I can say for this film is 'eh' 

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