Anyway, we're talk about Submarine, a film that I love very much. So much so, its one of my all time favourite films.
This film is set in Swansea, and it's about this teenager called Oliver Tate, played by Craig Roberts. He is a very awkward person, and a wallflower, he starts dating a girl in his class called Jordana Bevan played by Yasmin Paige, she's a destructive girl, and the only way I can describe her is like a young version of Mia Wallace in Pulp Fiction, but Welsh. Its also about there families, and its a real-coming of age story.
I love this film as its not your typical teen film, its so quirky and relatable obviously this film has elements of being very indie, and depressed and 'oh its so hard my life sucks' but in some ways it is very much that, as it can be hard to communicate with your feelings, and what to say and what not to say. I do feel its a big confusion, and you have that with this film, particularly with Oliver. As with he is the most inarticulate but really thoughtful and articulate, but I really like that I like that Oliver and Jordana are so flawed, so that I can relate to them. Personally thats what you want in teen coming of age film, totally flawed characters, and the fact that for me its set in really grim town in Swansea. I'm not from Wales thats the thing, Its just really british for me.

I love the soundtrack to this film, its stunning and fits perfectly with this film. The soundtrack is by Alex Turner, I listen to the soundtrack quite alot and its wonderful to listen to. Theres a link if you want to buy the soundtrack or film, I think you should as they are incredible pieces of work. The film is directed by Richard Ayoade who is known for Maurice in IT Crowd, its unbelievable that he created this beautiful, simple atmosphere of the film, and its such a geeky aesthetically pleasing film to watch.
The film also centrefolds around the worry of Oliver over his parents whether or not they will split up or not as they have a new neighbour Graham who Jill has taken a shine to on top of that Oliver is also worried about his father's mental health, Jill and Lloyd Tate whos played by Sally Hawkins and Noah Taylor who are both fantastic. What I love is that they are both very quirky people, they are both portrayed by incredible actors. Its a very likeable film, I also love the dynamic of distinguishing between a new character to a setting and how it effects everyone but not making it totally about that new character it just shook things up abit.
I love that the story is in first person from Oliver's perspective. As I feel teenagers are selfish, and they see things from there eyes, and its all about them. Its also a very human trait that we are all selfish in a way, but I feel very much that if a film makes you really I mean really think about life, or the decisions you're going to make or have made, or anything I feel like its a film that's done its job. If its changed you or made you think in a certain way then I personally feel its done it's job as a film, and a story.
The costume are brilliant they fit so well with the film, I love the coat that Jordana wears. Another thing that I love about this film is that the main two actors Craig Roberts and Yasmin Paige are both actors who were in children's shows in CBBC, when I was a kid. Craig was in Story Of Tracy Beaker which I use to watch all the time. Yasmin Paige was in Sarah Jane Adventures and again I use to watch it all the time, partly because it was made by the same people who made Doctor Who, and I was a big fan well still am. For me its a real like, throwback and its amazing because they're in this film playing such different characters, Its lovely to watch.
I also love that its a love and a coming of age story but its not, and its an amazing film. I always find myself if I don't know what mood I'm in I'll just watch this, its so aesthetically pleasing I urge you to watch this more than anything.
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