Monday 30 January 2017

Review: The Seven Year Itch

Now this week, is gonna be an Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe week, as they are both very different but both were very successful around the same time. They are also not only brilliant actresses and women I highly admire but also they're fashion and sex icons, which is new to me to talk about. But I shall talk about that on Wednesday! 

We all know this film, predominantly from the icon Marilyn Monroe picture of her with the white dress standing on top of vent and the dress, yup we all know the scene and pictures. But the story goes abit deeper than that, yes her character is very free and relaxed but not slutty. It's about this man called Richard Sherman who is abit nerdy and talks to himself quite often, and he tends to overthink and has a very wild imagination. He is married and has a child who are in Maine, and he is in New York working through the summer. He lives near a woman who is Marilyn Monroe, and she is an Actress who is very glamorous and its Richard's imagination that the main thing of the story.
I love this film, the costumes are great then again the costumes in the 1950s will always be appealing to me so its a given. The film was originally a stage play which I can completely understand with as Richard's imagination and tendency to overthink would be quite fun to portray on stage. I love the bit where Marilyn says something along the lines of 'Not all girls find handsome men, or men that have confidence particularly attractive' I can't quite remember but I like that because it is true in many cases, girls and boys are attracted to what they're attracted to.
Marilyn's character and I think in her true character aswell, are very beautiful and they know they're beautiful, but she's not insecure about it or arrogant and cocky about it, she is very casual with it. Thats something I don't think people get from watching her in much more serious films, than in comedy films. But I will talk about her in much more depth in the Wednesday blog post. In this film, she proved that she is perceptive and doesn't just think about men all the time, and isn't this ditzy blonde girl.
I think Richard's stream into madness is what I really love about this film. It is accurate to what a person with anxiety is and I know its very farfetched from this being a romantic comedy and I'm jumping it to what its like with someone who has a mental illness. But Richard overthinks allot mainly around Marilyn as she is this beautiful woman and he is a man who has been married for 7 years has a child and boom he is faced with this gorgeous woman who lives just above him, and he's going mad.
One moment of the film that I loved was when Richard tried to kiss Marilyn, and he then started to imagine what would happen if word got out that he is a married man and kissed another woman and he didn't do gently he did it quite aggressively in a sexual way. I loved how intense he thought it would be and how his wife would react and how Marilyn would talk about it on TV and how crazy it was. That something that made me laugh, and made me like the film even more, as in comedy sometimes the funny thing can be quite vulnerable and absurd.

I adore this film, I love Marilyn in all her films, her serious, dark, mysterious side and her funny, blonde and ditzy side.I'm not that big into romantic comedies or chick flick, but when it comes to Audrey and Marilyn or any Classic Hollywood Actress that I love I'm all over it. This week for me is gonna be allot of fun as I've talked about men on here whether it'd be Comedians, or Directors or Actors they've predominantly been male, not that thats a bad thing, its just nice to talk about women who I love also for a change. If you want to buy this film go ahead by all means if not thats fine. I hope you all have a lovely week and I'll see you on Wednesday!

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Maira Gall