It takes place in the 1980s, Virginia where a teenager called Donnie Darko played by Jake Gyllenhal who is very troubled. Suddenly when he's in bed at night he is led by a figure who calls himself Frank who tells Donnie that the world with end in 28 days. In the morning he comes home to find a jet engine crashed into his room his sister Elizabeth played by Maggie Gyllenhaal who is his sister in real life tells him no one knows how it happen.

After the incident that occurred to Donnie he is then, stalked by Frank throughout the film. He begins to start a romance towards a new girl in his class called Gretchen who has changed her identity form her previous town. Donnie's teacher is Karen Pomeroy who is played by Drew Barrymore, and is very relaxed, her attitude is annoyed by some of the teachers. From what Donnie's experience at the beginning of the film his attitude is changed, and it affects everyone in the film. Patrick Swayze is in it as the motivational speaker who in some ways was the comic relief of the film
I love how complicated this film was, and I was impressed by Jake's performance as a troubled teenger with something else to be bothered by, as if being a teenager wasn't hard enough, throw in a thing called Frank who stalks him and talks to him and only him. If you thought that Inception was confusing and just a giant mind fuck then watch this, because oh god it goes from one end to the other. The cameo of a young Seth Rogan is seen aswell, and that's something I loved to watch.
The dialogue is brilliant and so clever, every line is said so brilliantly. I love all the extras in the background just as much as I liked Donnie, as its so naturalistic and effortless. I know that some people might think that extras don't do anything because they're not centre stage, but I love scenes where in a classroom and one person's talking and it could be something so boring, and the shot where everyone is just watching them. Its something that I love to notice in films and TV, its nice to see what they're doing or facial expressions they're doing.
However I thought Gretchen was a bit wet, but in some ways I can understand it as with two romantic people, and one is a strong character that's Donnie who is very strong with he as a character and we get him, with who he is. Whereas with Gretchen she is a bit lackluster if that makes sense, I just didn't really get her as a character. Overall I did enjoy this film, and I would watch it again, not my favorite but that's fine. I liked the Sc-Fi part of it being psychological, and the other part is very Coming Of Age based, and I like films that do that where all sorts of things happen in one go.
Frank was a character that I love alot, as he is a very rare character that I don't see often with films. I love the silent treatment he gave Donnie, as it wasn't as if Frank wanted him to die or was torturing him in a way. But it was the sudden voices of Frank in his head, similar to a mental illness in a way, and thats what I loved about that. It can get quite angsty in some places of the film, but that is expected from the teenager aspect of the film.
I adore this film, and the unique elements of the film from the styling to the fascinating script. The mix of teenagers and sc-fi was the perfect amount for the film, and what it is meant to say. Definitely give this film a watch as you won't regret it, or find anything else quite like it again.
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