Never done one of these before, but why not? and plus you guys can to know me better and I thought it would be fun. So lets go!
1) How often do you watch a film? Considering I'm abit of a film buff and I have a film blog I try to watch atleast 3 or 4 a week.
2) What film genre are you particularly fond of? I love all genres, and I do try to find something good in each genre abit positive I know, not a bad thing at all though. If I had to choose then it would possibly be a Thriller/Drama but it depends on my mood really.
3) What was the last film that you’ve watched and liked? I watched Bandidas recently and I loved it, I also watched Finding Nemo and Finding Dory because I was talking about it with a bunch of people, in a really deep way and I love those conversations and as soon as I got home I needed to watch it.
4) What was the last film that you’ve watched and hated? I'm gonna leave you all in suspense and tell you all about it on Friday, because I don't think theres enough negativity on this blog which isn't a bad thing but I do think a film buff there should be some stuff we hate and with good reason. But heres a hint its based of a book and its quite popular, there you are have to wait until Friday!
5) What is your most favorite film of all time? ooh that is a tough one, I have a top 10 list so far, but the one I usually say to people when I can't think of my top ten is probably either A Matter Of Life and Death, or Young Frankenstein because people are always surprised when I say them and I always love that.
6) Your most favorite guilty pleasure film? I don't think I have one, because I love all the films I watch and noone should judge me, but I do have a bit of a thing for true crime stories so things like Moorside the BBC Drama based off true story of Shannon Matthews, and varies others things like that and also documentaries like that aswell. I'm obsessed with documentaries anyway, but its serial killers and all that evil stuff that actually really gets me, I don't want to be like that its just the fascination to me and the psychology behind it all.
7) What film/films you have watched a million times already? All the Toy Stories, Big, Forrest Gump any Tom Hanks film. The Harry Potter series, Back to the Future series, and The Social Network.
8) Are you the type who watch film on its first day of showing? Not really, depends how big of a fan I am when I watched Beauty and the Beast I saw that on the weekend it came out so that's how hardcore I am.
9) Do you use fandango or do you pre-booked film tickets? I don't think we have Fandango in the UK, but no I don't usually pre book tickets for film sometimes for theatre but not really for film.
10) Cinema, blu-ray, or download? I watch films in the Cinema when they're recent but if theres a DVD version or download either from Amazon, Itunes, or GooglePlay then I'll go for that.
11) How often do you go to a Cinema to watch a film? Not that often, its really expensive now and where I live doesn't have a cinema so I have to go to the nearby city which is a bus ride
12) What are the movies that made you cry? I'd say the end of Toy Story, Mary Poppins, Saving Mr Banks and the end of Marley and Me.
13) Do you watch foreign films? I've watched a few, but not a enough as I'd like but that is gonna change.
14) What’s your favorite foreign films? I haven't watched that many, but I'd say Persepolis, and Pinocchio
15) Who are favorite directors? Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson, Sofia Coppola, Quentin Tarantino, Ridley Scott, Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, Danny Boyle the list is endless.
16) Are you particular with film scores, soundtracks, and musics? Its important yes, but its not the B all and end all, but they can make a film even better.
17) What film soundtrack can be found in your IPod? Do musicals count? because yes I have all the classic musicals, Singin in the Rain, Moulin Rouge, I even have La La Land aswell, along with all the Disney soundtracks and Pixar soundtracks. I also love Guardians of the Galaxy, Shrek, Perks of being a Wallflower, Hard Days Night (of course) all sorts.
18) Have you ever watch a film alone in a cinema? Oh yeah, I usually do but when someone wants to come with me they are more than welcome.
19) What is the best chick-flick for you? I love classic chick flicks, like anything with Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn because they are girly films, but they're also brilliant and not at all cringy, like the modern ones I find.
20) Your favorite comic book film? ooh I love Spiderman, the Andrew Garfield films and Guardians of the Galaxy, Dark Knight, X Men, Fantastic Four.
21) Is there any film that has changed your perspective in life? A Matter of Life and Death definitely, The Cat Returns and Persepolis they're all wonderful for different reasons and changed my outlook on life, I've done in-depth reviews on them aswell.
22) DC or Marvel films? That is so tough, I love both for different reasons, I love what they're doing on TV aswell. I just love both of them I can't decide, love 'em!
23) What are the films in the top 10 in IMDB that you have watched? I've watched 6 which is really bad for someone who's meant to be a film buff, but I promise you that will change.
24) Do you read film critic reviews before watching a film? its funny because I have a film blog and I write reviews and that I actually don't read reviews before I watch any film or take what people say into consideration as its opinion and that can vary someone likes one thing and you won't so I take it with a pinch of salt.
25) What is the best film adapted from a book? Misery hands down
26) Watch the film before reading the book or vice versa? I do try to, because its better understanding of the story.
27) What is your most favorite comedy film? I love comedy, ahhh I love His Girl Friday, Hard Day's Night, Inbetweeners Movies, Charlie Chaplin films, Marx Brothers I love to laugh hahahaha 1000 points if you get that referance!
28) Drama film? ooh Angels with Dirty faces, Forrest Gump, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? theres like billions I could mention.
29) Western film? I haven't watched that many westerns, but I'd say Bandidas because its also funny and The Magnificent Seven.
30) Romantic comedy film? Sabrina, Seven Year Itch, Some Like it Hot,
31) Horror film? House on Haunted Hill, and The Invisible Man all the classics
32) Sports film? Haven't watched that many sports films, Chariots of Fire, Bend it Like Beckham
33) Sci-fi films? Brazil, Star Wars
34) Action films? The Spy Who Loved Me, Pulp Fiction, Kick Ass
35) War films? The Pianist, Diary Of Anne Frank, Saving Private Ryan
36) Who is your most favorite film couple? When I was a kid I was obessed with Elizabeth and Will from Pirates of the Caribbean and Troy and Gabriella from High School Musical, loved Jimmy Cagney and Jean Harlow in The Public Enemy and Peter and June from A Matter of Life and Death.
37) Any film character you can relate to? urm, I can relate to Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffiany's, Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
38) If you are to only watch five films for the rest of your life, what would the films be? Ah that's tough, I'd say Angels With Dirty Faces, A Matter Of Life and Death, Young Frankenstein, Breakfast at Tiffianys, Singin' In The Rain a bit of a mix of genres.
39) Your least favorite film all time? Probably the reboot of Ghostbusters, nobody asked for it.
40) Have you ever watched a film based on the lead actor/actress only? Oh yeah, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and anyone who I've seen in a film and I really liked them I'll watch them in another film.
41) What film you expected and wanted to be good but failed you? I thought Suicide Squad would be better, I liked it but I wanted it to be amazing like Guardians of the Galaxy, and the next review I'm doing on Friday ooh the mystery.
42) Favorite film character of all time? erm I don't think I have one, but I adore Peter from A Matter of Life and Death
43) Favorite film villain? I love the Joker, Voldemort, and Hannibal Lecter
44) Any film sequel you are still waiting? I don't think so, I'm not desperate for them to be honest.
45) Ever made a film review? Oh god no, hate 'em particularly Peppermint Friday haha jokes
46) Star Wars or Star Trek? Star Wars
47) Right now, think of any film, what comes first? Wonder Woman, and My Friend Dahmer because I wanna watch them next when they come out.
48) Favorite film lines? 'Happiness can only be found in the darkest of times if one remembers to turn on the light'- Harry Potter
49) TV series, books, computer games, or films in order of interest? Films, TV Series, Books and Computer Games
50) Lastly, if your life story is to be made into a film, who would you like to portray you? Who should be directing it and what would be the title? I'd love Audrey Hepburn or Catherine Zeta Jones to play me, and I'd love it Sofia Coppola or Stanley Kubrick, or Martin Scorsese and I don't know what the film would be called.
I shall see you all on Friday have a wonderful week!
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